Valamis as a workplace

Extraordinary opportunities,
one caring community.

years of operation
core values

We are Valamisians

A global team of professionals in a variety of fields, empowering people, companies, and societies to solve their challenges through the digital transformation of learning and business.

We are also bikers, book lovers, coffee enthusiasts, dancers and a lot more. At Valamis, everyone is seen and valued as an individual.

Join the team!

International work with a Nordic core

Founded in Finland, Valamis is growing internationally and has offices around the globe, stretching from Boston to Jaipur. The company culture is rooted in Nordic values with the importance of work-life balance, equality, and transparency at the core.

career stories

Joona smiles

Core values

For us, core values are not just words on a sign. Instead, they are the foundation of our company culture. We have created our values together and let them guide our everyday actions. These four core values bring out the best in our people:

Responsibility, Sense of Community, Development, Customer Focus

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Life at Valamis – Be You, Here

We let people be themselves

We want every employee to feel they can bring their whole self to work each day. You are welcome just as you are, and we value everything you have to offer.

94% of employees agree to the statement “I can be myself at the workplace”.

97% of employees agree to the statement “employees are treated equally regardless of age, gender, ethnicity or sexual orientation”.

Low hierarchy and high transparency

At Valamis, you can hang out in the break room with the CEO, no worries. A trainee can win a debate with the most senior person in the organisation. Everyone’s views and opinions are valued, and ideas welcomed.

90% of employees agree to the statement “management is easily approachable, and it is easy to communicate with them”.

83% of employees agree to the statement “management communicates about important things and changes in a clear and sufficient way”.

Freedom and responsibility

At Valamis, you don’t have to earn trust. Each employee is trusted by default from day one. With that trust comes responsibility over your own work and performance.

Valamisians have the freedom to work from anywhere, and worktime is flexible to keep your life and work in balance.

98% of employees agree to the statement “I have enough opportunities to do my work regardless of time and place”.*

80% of employees agree to the statement “I have enough opportunities to influence my work”.

*Results from Employee Wellbeing & Satisfaction Survey 2020

Meaningful work and possibilities for development

Learning makes all the difference in the world. We make learning possible for a lot of people – including our own employees. We believe in learning by doing, but also utilise our own digital learning platform Valamis as well as mentoring programs, presentations, and Leadership as a Service -model to help Valamisians reach their goals.

88% of employees agree to the statement “I feel that I have developed professionally within the past year”.

84% of employees agree to the statement “I find my tasks meaningful in a bigger picture”.

We care for our people

At Valamis, we have a wide range of benefits to support our employees’ mental and physical wellbeing. Valamisians actively participate in designing the benefits by sharing their ideas, so that the benefits meet our employees’ actual needs.

88% of employees agree to the statement “Employee wellbeing is taken care of well”.

We believe in sustainability

Responsibility being one of our core values, we are committed to acting responsibly and sustainably in everything we do. We believe that small actions on behalf of the environment can make a big difference. Read more about our sustainability focus areas.

  • “I am motivated by the feedback received from colleagues, as well as by the fact that I feel like I’ve found my own place here. Here everyone has always helped me, and stupid questions don’t exist”.

    Anna Rimmer, Senior System Specialist

    Read the career story

Core functions

We offer a wide spectrum of jobs spanning software engineering, design, data science, learning, consulting, and more. All within an organisation of low hierarchy.

  • Software Development

    We breathe quality code

  • Infra and Support

    Lifesavers and problem solvers in the most critical tasks

  • Design

    We solve customers’ issues with user-centered design

  • Business Intelligence and Analytics

    Data services for proven business impact

  • Digital Learning Consulting

    Masters of corporate learning and pedagogy

  • Project and Product Management

    Resourcing, scheduling and project planning

  • Customer Success

    Supporting customers through our partnership approach

  • Quality Assurance

    We make sure our products are the highest quality

  • Data Security

    Keeping us, our customers and their learners safe and up to date

  • Sales and Marketing

    Brand awareness and connecting with prospects

  • Human Resources

    Building the best workplace and community

  • Finance

    Managing the assets for continuous growth

Join us!

We are always looking for new talent to join us! Together we solve the challenges of companies around the world through digital transformation of learning and business.

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